I think at one point she was going on about him starting a channel being more active on insta … I think that was her trying to get him to do work/ earn money … I think he’s a bit like Frow Alex ( who I thought was a photographer with a business but understand from a thread on Frow that he is not a generator of any income, like Chav he is a kept man). This might be a reason Joho thinks he should concur with her … he her man servant! If it wasn’t for Lala funding and bailing Joho out Chav would not have his lifestyle. Maybe Lala has had enough paying for the plus one! I think she had rather the good social life where she was living and had a lovely spa club… now she’s in the coach house babysitting the dogs and Chav is sounding like m’lordy generously cooking for her.
wonder if the property was divided up based on equity and contributions … Lala would be in the house and Joho in the coach house… not sure if Chav would even get the shed!
Yes but she pluralised it this time … she doesn’t seem to know much about anything? Nor does he? Yikes
real life dumb and dumber.