No need to watch the video. She's going to Ibiza and the entire video was one long advert delivered in a manic way that made me wonder if she's using the good ole Colombian marching powder. I even checked the speed as I often put her on a higher speed to get through the bore-fest.
She is flogging everything, clothes, makeup, tanning lotion, beauty products, shoes, cooler bag, beach towels. It is like watching a home shopping channel. Waiting for her to say, "but wait, there's more!"
If we have to drink a shot every time she says "a little bit" or "my little" this or that, we would get alcohol poisoning! There are several times were milady tells us how she treated herself, blah, blah, blah. She and her never ending treating and pampering, urgh!!!
We have her affectatious pronounciation of any non-English words, several times were she races through her commercial at such a speed, that she is confused about the brand name, which is then pronounced by the extra rolling of any "r". After showing her broken Valentino shoes on Insta, she regales us about how she wears her designer slides to do her gardening and does now believe in keeping thingsfor best.
We also had the letters "WTF" floating across her screen. It's Josefiend's attempt at cool my dahlings. I've noticed her trying to appeal to a younger audience for several videos now. I suppose she needs to build a younger audience to beg to get her wedding sponsered. I can see her working up to that already.