Sending your Mum very best wishes and you and your family
Saw this on IG stories, she really does flatter herself doesn’t she. Haha it’s not just in lockdown dahling! Also just an observation, is she wearing a wig? It looks too unnatural for her the colour, style and volume. She should stop trying to be a platinum blonde, she has dark roots embrace them. She may have been blonde as a child but now has dark roots. Nothing wrong with that. I think if she stopped trying to be something she’ll never be she’s be better looking. She’ll never be beautiful by looks. Attractive yes but beautiful no she’s too hard faced. She’d have proper colour in her complexion and be more real. If she was more real as a person her personality more honest and less sassy to those trying to help her or be friendly to her (commentators) she’d be beautiful. Inner beauty is more important anyway so far she fails on both, better late than never