No, they (She and Lydia) will tell you they have the softest cashmere they have ever felt in their whole life. Utterly obsessed.
Why can't they be realistic and tell something like: M&S cashmere jumpers are really nice quality for the price. Their cashmere feels really soft to the touch. I recommend them to anyone that searches a nice warm cashmere jumper but has to look on the price.
She wrote under Lydia's second boodles post something like "the most beautiful diamond jewellery she has ever seen". Calm down, dahhling. They can only tell lies. Instead of saying she congratulates Lydia for this opportunity to promote them and boodles for their beautiful designs, she has to come with overused, unrealistic phrases you can apply blindly to anything and anyone. I am so over it. (Over the moon, under the moon, besides of the moon)