I do become defensive about homeschooling and always will. The way people talk absolutely comes off as though they are condemning homeschooling. When people say things like “proper education “, or not “getting educated the way they should be”, very much sounds like they are speaking negatively about homeschooling. People misunderstand the idea of unschooling. Too often they think it means no education, but that’s not true. Ellen Fisher practices homeschooling/unschooling. She doesn’t follow a state based curriculum, nor did my family. She has different tools & other curriculums, but it is different then what you see in school. Homeschooling is different for everyone, but it doesn’t always mean follow routines like you see in school. Children still learn in unschooling, they just don’t typically have a set up like people do in school. Unschooling focuses a lot on child let interests & incorporating them into learning. G & D should absolutely bring more opportunities for science for Sienna to learn. They were sponsored a while back for something schiene related, but never mentioned it again. Before people assume unschooling means nothing at all, I encourage people to research the topic. There are sources that give a better description of what it means. Even books on the topic. unschooling doesn’t mean not learning at all. Yes, D & G don’t appear to be doing much, maybe it’s time for them to do an updated video & even a discussion on the topic. Maybe this would help everyone’s confusion about what they do for the girls. In terms of Sienna’s spelling, she may just be a poor speller, there are many kids in school that have trouble spelling. My mother is not a great speller herself. In terms of them not watching the news, I don’t watch it either. I don’t even own a TV. I see things online, but I don’t watch the news at all. G & D failed on not looking into the weather before they left Costa Rica, but I don’t see any problem with the kids not watching the news. To be honest, many news sources are biased, and not even that honest. Trusting news, especially major worldwide news sources is a gamble. Local news sources are better. I encourage people to look into the sources available on unschooling & the different options for homeschooling. This idea of a “proper education “ comes off as though it is condemning non-traditional school. Too often people think even if you aren’t in the school system, you should have a similar system at home. However, that’s not how everyone chooses to educate their kids. Nor is it necessary. I don’t think parents should use their kids just to make money, it does seem that far too many Youtube families fall under that path. I agree, they need to build long term friendships, they really aren’t doing that by moving so much. They really do need to find a place to have a home where they stay permanently, then enjoy trips to other places for a short visit. That is a problem with G & D, but they don’t seem to want that for themselves. Which is a shame, they can travel, but need a place to call home. In terms of her GCSE’s I don’t have a problem with her not taking them. Didn’t Georgie take them in her 20’s. I am also not bothered by her wanting to work for herself, but I am bothered that she doesn’t seem to want to do anything other then Youtube. Youtube may not always be around, she definitely needs to find some sort of path for her life aside from YouTube. She has changed a lot since they started Youtube, even before Gran Canaria. Getting her involved in a sport/activity I think would be really good for her. She doesn’t seem to care though, which is unfortunate.