VIP Member
She can’t get the train on her own. I bet mark thinks ‘oh great’ when she gets his train early do he can hold her pudgy hand. She’s a bloody drain on ALL of the family,She’s always moaning about how busy she is, but it’s every day stuff that most people get on with while they are also looking after children and/or working full time. She needs to get a grip. Daisy does all the house work anyway! “Oh I have a video to post” a crappy unedited video filmed on your iPhone does not take hours! She then makes demands that Mark has to do a whole range of DIY and dump runs after a day at work, why can’t she take things to the dump herself? Or ask Daisy or her son to help instead of moaning everyday about needing it done. Get it done. If she tried to make the effort and lost some weight she wouldn’t need someone to hold her up every time she left the house!