Faces by Grace #132 Greasey the fihness fanahic, comes on soundin like she's asmahic

Sienna looked so sad coming down the stairs behind her. 😢
She did, I noticed that. You know kids would be speeding past you on the stairs but the child is clearly frightened of what her mother will say should she dare come down first.
Why film misery for content? The deadpan voice, the scared sad kids, the dirty house. Slapping the crappy bread into the egg. Its depressing. Is this to appeal to the lowest depraved dole queen ma’s who beat their kids and are proud of it? Cos it doesn’t appeal to any of us here! 🙄
She did, I noticed that. You know kids would be speeding past you on the stairs but the child is clearly frightened of what her mother will say should she dare come down first.
Why film misery for content? The deadpan voice, the scared sad kids, the dirty house. Slapping the crappy bread into the egg. Its depressing. Is this to appeal to the lowest depraved dole queen ma’s who beat their kids and are proud of it? Cos it doesn’t appeal to any of us here! 🙄
Those kids have an absolutely miserable existence.

And the idea of a fcuking camera in your face, or in the fridge 🧐 and now at the bottom of the stairs - Jesus wept - what a weird way to live.
Poor sienna, when she says its cold 🥶
I know and zero suggestion from the mother to ensure the child zips up her coat to keep warm, just continues to talk into the phone
Poor sienna, when she says its cold 🥶
I know and zero suggestion from the mother to ensure the child zips up her coat to keep warm, just continues to talk into the phone
Does she realise she’ll have no lie ins or be able to go and take to the bed when the kids have gone to school because she’ll have baby to look after.
The baby will be put in creche the second it's old enough. She likes to produce a child and then surrender all responsibility for it to others. Teen mothers across the land are doing a better job. Absolute shame on her. It was close to lunch time when she posted about a morning off and first thing I noticed was the fully shut bedroom door. If that doesn't give "stay the hell away" vibes to the children nothing does. Not a mention either of getting the Santa presents in. She will probably start that shopping tomorrow and pass the children to a grandparent so she can escape for the day 🥴
Does she realise she’ll have no lie ins or be able to go and take to the bed when the kids have gone to school because she’ll have baby to look after.
She'll have kips getting lunches and bringing them to school, and then there'll be after-school care I til he collects them. Meanwhile she'll sit on her hole breastfeeding all day so she doesn't have to move.
The baby will be put in creche the second it's old enough. She likes to produce a child and then surrender all responsibility for it to others. Teen mothers across the land are doing a better job. Absolute shame on her. It was close to lunch time when she posted about a morning off and first thing I noticed was the fully shut bedroom door. If that doesn't give "stay the hell away" vibes to the children nothing does. Not a mention either of getting the Santa presents in. She will probably start that shopping tomorrow and pass the children to a grandparent so she can escape for the day 🥴

And the 'baby plan' has backfired. They thought the freebies would roll in. Remember the hack of the pair of them at the fair, saying what buggies they liked and so on. Cringe.

I'd say last year the kids were about to be told that being brought on holiday was more than enough of a present for them. I seem to remember some very last minute purchases being made. Probably because it was mentioned here. 🙄