Faces by Grace #132 Greasey the fihness fanahic, comes on soundin like she's asmahic

Shes doin my head in.

Wanting praise for goin the gym "look ah me red face I'm sweahin ".. 🖕

Wanting praise for goin food shoppin carrying on like she is a double amputee comin back from war ffs !!

It’s not a flex to boast about sweahin after the gym if you’re sitting on your hole for the rest of the day or asleep Grease.

Just like when you boast you got up at 5am but back in bed by 9:05am.
Isn't most families weekly grocery shop around 200 euro ??

She says it like it's a shock.
She doesn't plan and do a weekly shop, this is why she's in and out of the shops every day.
Shocked because she obviously doesn’t do it regularly enough. You’d honestly wonder how the kids get enough food consistently. Relying on others hospitality half the time. Loads of examples of this carry on from her.
She is happy school is finished.. not because she wants to spend quality time with her children but so she can have a lie in.. her words. It's absolutely disgusting. My children are in their mid teens and early 20s and I can't wait to spend some down time with them next week. She hasn't a clue how lucky she is. So so selfish.
hmmmmm why get her nails done now, rather then going to her Christmas party with a god awful peeled off nail?
Because she can escape the kids ! No point getting them done when they’re in school 😣
For someone who’s famous for her laziness I’m surprised she doesn’t do a click and collect or home delivery for the groceries
You have to be organised and book slots for that - hard to do with your napping during the day