We’ve seen her walk/run pacing and times. We’ve seen her gym rankings. We’ve seen her Fitbit metrics. We’ve seen her lack of proper form. We’ve seen her diet. She can spend as much time in the gym as she wants, she’s had PTs at her house paying her for collab work, we’ve seen her receive umpteen deliveries of calorie counted ready meals or protein heavy meals, supplements etc. she’s had gym and fitness app access. Everything handed to her. She couldn’t turn down a free 99 ice cream. It’s grabby grab everything for her. The gluttony seeps from her pores. If she has any muscle at all, we won’t see it because she hasn’t changed her diet/calorie intake. It’s all hidden underneath. She balances out any kcal burned at the gym straight away with her açai bowls and coffees. She’s then sitting on her arse for the rest of the day, or she might have a light saunter of a walk.
It’s such a pity about S. My little girls adore having well groomed hair (adorned with rediculous bobbins and clips, but it keeps them happy). When they’re young they physically cannot do their hair properly, their arms are too short. It’s a very rare thing for us to see sienna well groomed and it’s so sad for her. I always get mine dressed and groomed before tending to myself. She always has time to gel Hayden’s hair though… And as mention above, for every 10 posts about H, you might get one picture of S. but no kind words, just the photo. Then it’s discussed here and she’ll suddenly have a S heavy post and back to H being the main focus.
I doubt the 2 of them ever think of their safety. Been mentioned many many times here how anyone who has followed her would know where they go to school, and could easily convince the kids they were nanny Anne’s or mag’s friend, verify by telling them their birthdates, where they lived, their family members, pet names, what their bedrooms look like etc. It’s alarming that the money and attention Grace/kips get for selling their kids private info is worth their kids safety. They might as well set them up on the dark web tbh.
Then again, I roll my eyes when the average Joe posts their newborns DOB, weight, time of arrival etc
give the PPS number why don’t you!