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Requested in TikTok mums thread.
Usually the bank card needs to be in the name of the hirer, or as Shelley already had a car on her card then she couldn't be guarantor on another car. She did take Estera to Tania's house and helped her sort a hire with another company from there. She could drive Estera from the airport to Rania's as Estera didn't bring a car seat for her eldest, that's why they caught the train. That's how I understood it anyway...I don’t understand why Shelley couldn’t have used her bank card, upgraded her hire to a bigger car or just done SOMETHING. Instead it looks like she just ditched her at the airport. I’d be so upset if I was Estera.
Maybe it’s just because I used to work in retail and dealt with so many people who never carried their bank card and acted like it was your fault when they needed it and didn’t have it but that really annoyed me! I can’t understand people who don’t carry it, at bare minimum what if you lost your phone or it was stolen? Then you have nothing! If she didn’t have her bank card I assume she didn’t have her purse so did she even have ID?I get the impression she's not coping great, without her partner on this mums trip. She's only posted once, and her eldest has been with Maisie a lot! when her second baby was tiny new she went on about how easy it all was, maybe that's coming back to bite her. Maybe she thought all the mums would pitch in and help but they've actually got their own kids to deal with? The whole car hire situation seemed ridiculous, like of course you're going to need a bank card! And then the others having to help sort her out with a new car seat. Did she not think about that before she flew.
Oh she will just blame it on ‘being a first time mum to Rearmy and Rawmy’The latest video with her baby in the bath…she’s flouncing around showing off a haul, instead of staying beside her tiny baby. Don’t care how supportive these tummy tubs are, babies need closely supervised in baths!