VIP Member
Hi fellow Tattlers, welcome to the EL thread #7! Thank you to @spottydotty1315 for this very popular title suggestion, we had a lot of really good ones!
The last thread got a lot of action because our girl, Estee FINALLY got the one thing she's wanted since she was 12, girl got engaged. They started talking at the beginning of the pandemic, kept in touch on and off, she's pestered him for ages to propose, had him move in with her, then posted some passive aggressive TikToks about being wifey material and confirmed in comments that she gave the guy an ultimatum, he caved and proposed. Soooo romantic!!
The dude, who he is to her, does she love him? Not really important and was never really mentioned in her last video which is getting views and comments unlike her previous vlogs. The Tattle detective agency of course figured out who EL's mystery beau is a few weeks ago, if you're curious that info is on bottom of page 16 of thread #6 (link at bottom). Someone who met him in real life said this about him which doesn't sound good -
Estee has two TikTok videos, one of her right before she got engaged, it's super classy, and one more where her mom finds out the news. Yeah, a must watch, in true EL fashion it's 100% cringe.
Link to previous thread where Tattlers found out the news, some good few pages to read and catch up on:
The last thread got a lot of action because our girl, Estee FINALLY got the one thing she's wanted since she was 12, girl got engaged. They started talking at the beginning of the pandemic, kept in touch on and off, she's pestered him for ages to propose, had him move in with her, then posted some passive aggressive TikToks about being wifey material and confirmed in comments that she gave the guy an ultimatum, he caved and proposed. Soooo romantic!!
The dude, who he is to her, does she love him? Not really important and was never really mentioned in her last video which is getting views and comments unlike her previous vlogs. The Tattle detective agency of course figured out who EL's mystery beau is a few weeks ago, if you're curious that info is on bottom of page 16 of thread #6 (link at bottom). Someone who met him in real life said this about him which doesn't sound good -
Estee has two TikTok videos, one of her right before she got engaged, it's super classy, and one more where her mom finds out the news. Yeah, a must watch, in true EL fashion it's 100% cringe.
Link to previous thread where Tattlers found out the news, some good few pages to read and catch up on:
Estee Lalonde #6 oui oui I’m off to Pareee because I’m not pore
Thank you to @Tove_drew for a fab new thead name! Fresh off her gifted 3 hotel trip to Sri Lanka with her normie boyfriend (so far we've seen his spread legs, eww, and his little hands) Estee was walking down the street back in the UK with what looked like tears in her eyes saying that booking...
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