Thank you for the new thread,
@Happy Lady, I was typing out a response to your post in the long thread but my phone shut down so I fell asleep and the thread was done by the time I woke up
Apologies for the late reply - I've been quite exhausted with anxiety levels running very high since mum's been shouting a lot. Was trying to block it all out for a bit, not that it really worked
There are no practical solutions, at least not ones that I can execute right now (legalities, need mum's consent since they're her relatives etc), so someone listening and being kind and positive, like you all here, is the biggest help that I can get right now
So you definitely helped ❤
As far as cultural differences go, that is just an abuser tactic to groom their targets/victims. I've read of even worse stuff being done to people, especially women, across cultures and countries, and there are good people, or at least non-daughter-hating ones too here. I won the lottery on both sides of "family"
Probably why I have the best dogs though - it's pretty amazing as far as compensation goes ❤
Quite validating, by the way, that you also used the same terms I use to describe what's going on.
@Miscanthus, sorry to hear about your aches and the craft show and the spots. Wish I could have sent you some cooling sandalwood powder!
Could you maybe get some sort of a cooling gel, preferably aloe vera (if you're not allergic to it)? I can't use aloe gel (even though I have a balcony full of the plants), so I get this huge tube of gel from Vaseline that I use as a cold compress alternative especially during vaccine-induced fevers which are going to run their course either way. It does help reduce the discomfort (and the risks associated with high fever).