VIP Member
The whole hen seems odd for a non drinker to me.
All for the gram
The whole hen seems odd for a non drinker to me.
Yeah she was pissed on his yacht, & he recorded her. He was saying ‘you’ve a problem with that yeah’ alcohol etcYeah I'd say she does drink just doesn't want to say she does! Wasn't it Conor who recorded her saying she had a drink but not to show it on Instagram or something before
Wouldn't you be raging if you footed the bill for your family and they go around telling everyone that they did it on their own worked hard etc etc.. instead of saying only for my brother we would have nothing! I think people would have more respect for you!
Must have missed that! Coz she only ever says it in a sarcastic way for the trolls!She always mentions her brother and that’s why she has the good life
Jesus Erin, was she handcuffed and dragged to the airport and kidnapped to go to Ibiza? She looks as sour about it!
Following the Mermaidjade/Rosshogan/ kneevo shite on tiktok and she was tit stirrin bout certain Irish influences & someone asked what she thought of oul Erzo & she said "Erin Mcgregor.... tacky!"
Especially being so short, they look ridiculous on her small frame, and they make her look 'chubby', which she is obviously not.Her boob job is obscene! They are absolutely awful looking, far too big. They are so porn star looking