but controversial but they have mixed babies then don’t educate them on the black side- history or culture
but hey cute brown baby right
Yeah 100%. My best friend is mixed race and she grew up with what she described as a heck load of identity issues because her white mom refused to even acknowledge black culture. Her mom wouldn’t talk to her about her black side & put her through some nasty hair treatments to make her hair more ‘white’, it’s seriously fucked up.
It’s so true that there are so many white women that fetishise black men specifically to have cute biracial children but hate black women. it’s wild and the pure definition of a racial fetish. If you’re only dating someone because they’re black, your preference is racist, plain and simple.
I’m no way innocent in this topic tho, as pretty much half of my life i fetishised black men under the guise of ‘ bc i’m not attracted to white men’. I was that racist denier, i held rly fucked up beliefs & would be super pissed if anyone pointed it out to me. Took me years & still taking me ( as anti racism work is ongoing) to unpack my internal racism and doing so i realised all of the damage i had done. God, i really do cringe now when i think back to half the tit id say & believe in & my defensiveness
I do believe Erin jumped on the “hype” of interracial relationships for clout tbh. All those white “1/8 of irish / 1/4 italian” influencers do. The ones who uber tan, have fake butts, lips and whatever other features they can emulate from black women especially.
They reduce black men to trophies. It’s fucked.
Side note: No one is saying white people can’t date interracially, more so its being self aware of the imbalance of power there is, your own privilege and understanding and unpacking racial preferences. I wholeheartedly understand that there are a lot of women that don’t feel attracted to certain groups of men but we do have to have a proper hard look at the what behind & why we are basing our attraction on skin colour.
So do any of y’all got more tea on erin’s baby daddy? I low key like her little townhouse she moved into with the nice kitchen. Girls doing better for herself than her canary wharf high rise apartment days.
What pics? All I seen of her pics from back is when she was with white friends.Then it shows you don’t know her clearly. She was best friends with Steff and all her family for years, her pics from when she was young she’s fully around black people
I initially judged her when I first saw her IG and the baby shower blog. But as I’ve watched her videos over the last few weeks I feel like she is quite a down to earth girl and I kinda like her maybe it’s motherhood but her baby is cute and I like the way she interacts with Mila so it has made me warm to Erin.I quite like Erin as a mum, she seems to take to everything well and is enjoying it all. It's nice to see really. I know she obviously shares the best bits but it does come across that she is pretty calm with it all.
I also like how she's happy dressing her daughter in normal, comfy outfits from H&M and doesn't constantly force it with designer outfits when it's totally not necessary.
Dont like how she takes her daughter into nail salons though! Imagine all the fumes!
I initially judged her when I first saw her IG and the baby shower blog. But as I’ve watched her videos over the last few weeks I feel like she is quite a down to earth girl and I kinda like her maybe it’s motherhood but her baby is cute and I like the way she interacts with Mila so it has made me warm to Erin.
Just saw this story and thought she had a big mole above her ear . Getting so pissed off she’s been to have nails and hair done twice now in lockdown. Another influencer who thinks the rules don’t apply to them
why is sh lying?she hasn’t followed the rules since last MarchSaying she’s formed a support bubble with her nail tech but that doesn’t even make sense she’s also seeing friends lol
Eghhhh she’s gone rough .Just saw this story and thought she had a big mole above her ear . Getting so pissed off she’s been to have nails and hair done twice now in lockdown. Another influencer who thinks the rules don’t apply to them
Literally just came for thisHere for the tea on Erin and lateysha on why they aren’t friends no more
Here for the tea on Erin and lateysha on why they aren’t friends no more
Erin doesn’t seem to be friends with any of the usual suspects. Wonder what went downHere for the tea on Erin and lateysha on why they aren’t friends no more