Just watched it to see what everyone was talking about. I sound harsh and mean but I really don’t feel sorry for her
she kept saying how she’s got ‘so much to do’ but all she listed was to edit a video and kept saying she needs her nails done. I think the thing that pissed me off is so many times in the video she’s driving around heavily pregnant with a child in the back filming. She looks more at the camera than the road at one point
. Maybe I have no sympathy when she’s saying she never gets a break. She doesn’t even have a job and all she seems to do is get to spend time with her daughter and get her nails done and drive around crying in her expensive Range Rover. There are mums who are pregnant and working full time jobs whilst also raising other children too. I just can’t feel sorry for her. She chose to have another baby
Rant over lmao hope she has a good birth etc and she can manage her child a bit better