it just makes me so sad and it’s definitely gotten worse the last few months. she’s always moaned but not to this extent and it’s since she didn’t get to go back to work early. honestly I think she’s obsessed with structure and control and like others have said, has ridiculous expectations and as soon as one thing goes wrong it’s ‘all ruined’. she had detailed out that whole itinerary yesterday about how they’re going to go to the shop last and avoid the zoo first and then they’ll do xyz.
I really don’t understand how she can teach? I struggle not having structure/control and like to over plan too. but then when things inevitably don’t go as planned, my brain just jams and I freeze or panic. the difference is I KNOW this and actively work to improve it - I’ve got to the point where I’m more chilled out and flexible about things because I made some changes like moving to a job that isn’t super chaotic or unpredictable and … I know that children aren’t for me. Instead of looking at how she’s reacting and trying to improve, she just blames James for being… a child? Potentially a neurodivergent child? I don’t even like kids and I think the way she’s publicly talking about him to 40k followers under the guise of ‘being real’ is disgusting.
Also why would he say sorry if he’s had a nice day?? She’s definitely constantly sniping at him, I BET she’s the sort of parent that will give her kids the silent treatment