I can’t honestly imagine what it’s like to be told you have cancer, or precancerous cells. My best friend died at 30 from cervical cancer and that broke my heart, to see her go through being my wild child friend to a frail person. I really hope Emma gets the appropriate treatment.
I’m a nurse and I’m a bit cold hearted sometimes (nursing school has taught me to lock emotions away!) so the emphasis of being alone doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I work for the NHS and we are still allowing people to bring one person to appointments, especially outpatients. I had a LOT of treatment, surgery, hospital appointments in 2018/2019, and most of them were alone. The ones I did have with someone, it was my 15monthold toddler. I remember having a CT scan and the radiographers were stood cuddling him while I had the scan! I had no choice, my husband was working and my parents live away.
I’ve mentioned before that I knew Emma, and when I saw this, I was very very upset. However the YouTube title and the wish list are just incredible, can you imagine doing that? As I mentioned, I have a wish list but it’s for family/for me to “like” things, but never have I pimped it out!