Penelope Strawberry
VIP Member
If £10k WLS hasn't helped Imma lose weight, a £2k Peleton sure as tit won't help. Just an excuse to buy something.
It's not going to help when her idea of the gym is to "swim" in the 2m pool with a hot chocolateIf £10k WLS hasn't helped Imma lose weight, a £2k Peleton sure as tit won't help. Just an excuse to buy something.
She’s all talk and no action as always. There are so many things she could actually do for her dad but she never will as it requires actual effort and it’s far too hard for Miss Selfish Lazy Arse to even consider.Catching up on today’s stories. “I’d move heaven and earth for him”.... as long as he doesn’t have to come and live here.
As usual it’s all me me me. I’m struggling. I’m finding it hard. I can’t pull myself together and be brave just a few times for my own father.
She absolutely boils my piss the selfish pig
Omg she looks like a sister wife
Hey that’s mean to the real drag artists out there! She’s just gone a bit OTT with her sharpie on the old brows.She looks like a drag act!!!
She must have been picked up after downing copious bottles of wine from majestic wine (in the background I’m not a stalker honest).Seriously, this woman needs sectioning!