It’s about time she did something productive, maybe that would ‘improve’ her so called mental health. I’m sorry, but if it’s taking you 2 hours to put a bin out, and you’re wearing the same outfit everyday, there’s something wrong. Bet it doesn’t take 2 hours to open the door when brownies or freebies are being delivered. I’m actually shocked at her response to the criticism. I too would be mortified if someone thought I wasn’t caring for my children properly. She’s an instagram ‘has been’ that’s clinging on to something that’s lost it’s shine. These so called ‘influencers’ have had their day. To be fair, I don’t think Emily ever was an influencer. She was a wannabe trying to keep up with the rest of them. That’s why she keeps tagging Tesco on her stories…she’s desperate to get a PR deal with them just like Keeping Kate and a few others. Time to sort yourself out Emily. Stop living on instagram, start focussing on what’s in front of you. Maybe go and get an actual job when your statutory mat pay finishes. Focus on sorting your kids, and your so called mental health out, instead of posting childish videos and begging for freebies. And don’t be surprised people are calling you out on your blatant neglect of your baby- especially given poor Arthur’s story in the news!!!