Emily Norris #10 The Benjamin Buttoning of Jackson

I'd understand if they were doing some long ride but around center parc can't be more than a couple of miles. We've been camping in some popular cycle touring places on the continent recently and there were whole families cycle touring, with some very young kids riding their own bikes with luggage attached, and very happy doing so. She makes him such a baby, and also lazy in doing so. I take it he's not into football like the older two either so not getting a lot of activity perhaps? He was also really late to swim without aids wasn't he? For which she blamed covid, but plenty other kids have managed.
Aww, he was only 2 during Covid, though, remember? 😉
Also, tired of seeing that over done reel every holiday, where they jump over the camera and appear at the destination. They go away so often we've seen it dozens of times now 🥱
I don't follow Louise Pentland but when I checked her feed yesterday she hadn't made a reciprocal mention of meeting up with Emily at center parcs.
I just came to comment on Jackson still not riding his own bike, I bet he can’t ride a bike without stabilisers that’s the problem. My nanny kid is 5 and can cycle 3 miles each way to the wetlands centre near us. I bet she’d still have him in a buggy if he fit, but I bet so would Louise with Pearl and she probably can’t ride a bike either. They’re both so babied.