I do agree with this and think it's a great opportunity for her to ...get a life I suppose, a proper one, meet a partner that isn't an immature loser and get what she wants out of things in that respect but on the other hand she's also always been a huge snob and kept a miniscule social circle that consists of whoever she's currently in a relationship with, her family and the odd one-off female friend she thinks she's better than (until she ghosts whoever that is). I don't see any of that changing or her going off making a load of friends or new experiences. She'll do what she did when the last one cheated and start the PR spin that she doesn't care, is a strong woman who won't accept second best and is perfectly happy being single and getting back to herself blah blah. In reality she'll just tag with Emshel or her management employees until she finds someone else to date and make her new personality, just hopefully this time at least she'll aim a bit higher when she looks for a partner and they won't be gopping and tragic.