Emetophobia - any fellow sufferers? What do you do to cope?

Same, nothing makes me think rationally about it unfortunately. I wish something would click and I could just deal with it like everyone else does.
Same. I don’t even know where mine comes from. I have no childhood trauma of being sick. I’ve just been terrified of it since I was in primary school (30 years ago!).
Have you tried therapy/CBT/hypnosis etc to see if any of that helps?
Yeah, I'm having hypnotherapy at the moment actually, but I've only had 3 sessions so I'm still in the early stages.

Same. I don’t even know where mine comes from. I have no childhood trauma of being sick. I’ve just been terrified of it since I was in primary school (30 years ago!).
I'm exactly the same, no idea why I'm so terrified of it. And I hate that I am, it's a horrible fear isn't it.
My mum thinks that my fear comes from when I was really little if my mum went out and left me with somebody I would cry until I was sick. I would also do it if she left the room at night putting me to bed. So I assume I associate it with feelings of being scared and abandoned or something. Doesn't make a difference knowing the source though
My mum thinks that my fear comes from when I was really little if my mum went out and left me with somebody I would cry until I was sick. I would also do it if she left the room at night putting me to bed. So I assume I associate it with feelings of being scared and abandoned or something. Doesn't make a difference knowing the source though
That would make sense. No, I can imagine even if I knew where the fear started I would still have it. I would like to know why I'm like this though, it's frustrating not having any idea why I'm so irrational.
I genuinely don't know how much more I can take of this. My eldest was sick 4 times on weds and I just feel like I'm waiting for my youngest or me to come down with it. Eldest still isn't able to eat much and is very weak and pale. I'm on high alert constantly. My youngest isn't hungry and hasn't eaten much so I've convinced myself she is ill. I just don't see the point of life if its just spent on the brink of a panic attack
I genuinely don't know how much more I can take of this. My eldest was sick 4 times on weds and I just feel like I'm waiting for my youngest or me to come down with it. Eldest still isn't able to eat much and is very weak and pale. I'm on high alert constantly. My youngest isn't hungry and hasn't eaten much so I've convinced myself she is ill. I just don't see the point of life if its just spent on the brink of a panic attack
Oh I totally understand how you feel, but this is in the heat of the moment. Hopefully your youngest is fine and it's just your head playing havoc with you. It's been quite some time since your eldest was poorly and you and the youngest haven't been, so hopefully that's a good sign. It's so hard to say anything that will make you feel better but you will get through this.
Life is worth living, even with this fear, it doesn't feel like it right now and I can fully appreciate that - the phobia takes over completely. Honestly speaking, I genuinely question whether it was sensible to have kids when I'm at the height of the phobia because of how it makes me feel. But it doesn't last forever.
Have you thought about some CBT or some other form of therapy? I think it would be worth investigating if you haven't xx
I've had an assessment for CBT but the waiting list is so long and I can't afford it. I don't want to live like this anymore. I want to run away and not be a parent because I can't deal with this on my own. I had kids when I was married under the impression I wouldn't have to deal with this alone but here I am, alone.
I've had an assessment for CBT but the waiting list is so long and I can't afford it. I don't want to live like this anymore. I want to run away and not be a parent because I can't deal with this on my own. I had kids when I was married under the impression I wouldn't have to deal with this alone but here I am, alone.
Can you self refer for NHS CBT in your area? That's what I did originally. I've gone down the hypnotherapy route simply for speed as the wait was long. I early do know how hard it is and I really empathise, it's awful to hear that you're so down with it. Maybe it would be worth speaking to your GP in the meantime and perhaps they can help grt you some support quicker?

Please don't feel that you're alone. This is one of the reasons I started this thread, so people didn't feel they were dealing with this awful fear on their own. Feel free to inbox me if you want to chat more, I will do my best to be a support if you need it. I hate the thought of you feeling so alone xx
I've had an assessment for CBT but the waiting list is so long and I can't afford it. I don't want to live like this anymore. I want to run away and not be a parent because I can't deal with this on my own. I had kids when I was married under the impression I wouldn't have to deal with this alone but here I am, alone.
I'm thinking of you - I was going to ask how things were tonight -you are not alone -Wednesday to Sunday is a long stretch-perhaps your eldest has a virus,and they affect people differently-especially if she's out of sorts-perhaps rather than a bug I mean,my
Level of anxiety is constantly reasoning with myself on the the smallest of points. I
Hope YOU are ok.
I totally relate to the anxiety here. I wouldn’t class myself as emetephobic exactly because I’m not scared of being ill and I don’t have a horror of others vomiting; I am scared of norovirus. It’s the one part of parenting I detest. My issue is how it rips through the family no matter what you do and I think it stems from when my two were really little and I’d always be the one who got the least ill so had to carry on parenting throughout the whole ordeal. I constantly google vaccines (there is one in trials btw) and wish my children’s lives away so that they’re older and not as at risk of catching tummy bugs.

I try to rationalise it when it happens and it sounds ridiculous but I find that telling myself they’re healthy and I should count myself lucky I’m only worrying about a bug does help somewhat, but nothing is worse than that feeling inside when someone says their tummy hurts. My husband is super chill about the whole thing but it doesn’t help because I’m not even sure what the anxiety stems from… I wonder if it’s a lack of control and the idea that I’m gonna spend the next week or so continuously washing and scrubbing and not eating!
Ended up having a massive panic attack in the night so I'm exhausted today. I've not showered in 6 days or got dressed. All I do is sleep and panic. I feel like I'm in a hole and I can't be bothered to keep trying to climb out as every time I do something knocks me back. I'm tired
Ended up having a massive panic attack in the night so I'm exhausted today. I've not showered in 6 days or got dressed. All I do is sleep and panic. I feel like I'm in a hole and I can't be bothered to keep trying to climb out as every time I do something knocks me back. I'm tired
You need to speak to your GP ASAP. You sound like you have depression, regardless of the sickness phobia. Do you have anyone you can speak to - friends/family who can offer any kind of support? Or someone to sit with the kids for an hour so you can have a shower etc
I've spoken to my GP so many times and they just put my sertraline up and tell me to keep waiting for CBT. I'm due to start a new job next week and I just don't think I can cope with it. I don't really have much support. My mum helps where she can but she is having health issues and my best friend lives 200 miles away. GP prescribed me a diazepam for today but that's not a long term solution
I've spoken to my GP so many times and they just put my sertraline up and tell me to keep waiting for CBT. I'm due to start a new job next week and I just don't think I can cope with it. I don't really have much support. My mum helps where she can but she is having health issues and my best friend lives 200 miles away. GP prescribed me a diazepam for today but that's not a long term solution
Try having a chat with someone here:
Or: https://www.mind.org.uk/

just to clear your head a bit and off load some of the worry. Can you call your best mate and talk? Tell them what’s going on, ask for support even if it’s over the phone?
Try having a chat with someone here:
Or: https://www.mind.org.uk/

just to clear your head a bit and off load some of the worry. Can you call your best mate and talk? Tell them what’s going on, ask for support even if it’s over the phone?
My friend has been amazing and voicenoting me constantly. Thank you for the links, if I still feel like this tonight I'll contact somebody. I'm hoping the stress of last week has just worn me out and with some rest I'll be OK x
I hope you feel better @RachRN86, but if you feel you need more support then
www.italk.org.uk is a useful website for self referring for mental health support.
I've heard so many people say their GPs aren't the best for getting help sadly. Maybe a different GP can help? Or perhaps get the ball rolling with some NHS talking therapy?

I'm having a funny afternoon where I feel like I'm slipping into an anxiety low. I feel like everyone is talking about the n-virus at the moment - even though it's supposed to be a winter bug 🙄 I'm worrying before I need to worry about illness at the moment, not sure why. My husband goes away for a week at the end of the month when the kids go back to school and I'm already worrying about being on my own!
I'm having such a rough time. My mum has gone away for the week and yesterday my daughter spent the day with her friend. I had a text from her friends mum saying that her and her daughter were being sick. Im all alone and just waiting to see if my daughter gets ill. I really feel like I can't cope, I've had 3 panic attacks today already. I won't sleep and I can't eat. I hate this
I'm having such a rough time. My mum has gone away for the week and yesterday my daughter spent the day with her friend. I had a text from her friends mum saying that her and her daughter were being sick. Im all alone and just waiting to see if my daughter gets ill. I really feel like I can't cope, I've had 3 panic attacks today already. I won't sleep and I can't eat. I hate this
I'm so sorry that youre struggling. I know how you must be feeling and it's so hard isn't it. I wish I had the answer to make you feel calmer but what I can say is that even if the worst happens, you will get through it. Hopefully you and your daughter will both be absolutely fine and I will be keeping everything crossed for you. You're not alone, we all know how hard this is and how difficult you'll be finding this. Try to stay calm and maybe try some breathing exercises to help. Sending positive thoughts xxx