Oh this thread triggered me last week
I'm a die hard completely all consumed emtophobe. If there was a risk assessor job out there
For assessing risk re vomiting,and factors to reduce anything to do with it and it being anywhere near me,I'd be the best risk assessor around.
keeping this positive,im a mum with a 7year old and a 2year old.Im
Older because my phobia almost stopped me having any children,morning sickness fear,children fear. I never went on trips with
School,never drank,didn't party because 20/20induced vomiting wasn't for me. I have never been on a girls holiday,have done a couple of hen parties,had to have my own room,a safe space to retreat too,didn't do sleep overs.
I did enjoy life with trepidation eventually,my independence allowed me to flight from any situation I found threatening. I learnt what was more triggering for me over the years and
I've had hypnotherapy,counselling,and not much has helped but life exposure has eventually helped a little and so Damn proud I fought hard to overcome fears with having children. I have the same problems with food
,won't order chicken or rice dishes,won't let anyone cook meat for me,have to cook for my family,I wear disposable gloves to touch raw meat,I don't use by use by dates ,that's too far gone for my head. Meat is a trigger yes,other people feeding my kids is, car journeys are without screens and books,my kids won't get travel sick,if my littles don't want breakfast I know something is up,I wouldn't send to school,because car journeys trigger me big time not being able to run away.
I'd never leave my child though I'd just really struggle through.
I have a special kit
With a bucket special cleaning fluid disinfectant,mask etc for emergencies,i stay away from crowded places and soft plays unless it's a quiet time,planes are scary,i have
My head
Phones for escape,vics
For nose,eye mask for escape. I could write a book. And
Reality of life im
Lucky that
My risk prevention and careful ways do keep me away from my fear as in it's a rare situation. I don't dislike the
Way I am either and lucky for me my husband is also very cautious too,and we muddle through it
All. He takes over if I need to escape for a second then I compose myself and carry on. Also in the midst of a tummy upset etc i always try to remember it's nearly over if it's begun. I could go on for days. The thread and how people cope was actually very interesting so I just put a few down for me,but honestly it's so intertwined in To my life I didn't realise how much I'm still controlled by the phobia x love to all here x