Emetophobia - any fellow sufferers? What do you do to cope?

I never eat chicken from a restaurant or takeaway. I'll overcook it at home, though! Sure my family love that 😄

My littlest has had a bad cough and has said about 50 times a day since Friday that he feels sick. I hate this time of year.
Does anyone else think their kid is ok because they are eating?

My little boy is still randomly saying his tummy hurts but then is still asking for crisps and sweets so I think ok he’s fine. He’s just said it again now and curled up in a ball. Then seconds later he’s eating his crisps.

I know probably trapped wind or the fact he likes to drink water very fast which bloats his belly but gosh my nerves are broken
Does anyone else think their kid is ok because they are eating?

My little boy is still randomly saying his tummy hurts but then is still asking for crisps and sweets so I think ok he’s fine. He’s just said it again now and curled up in a ball. Then seconds later he’s eating his crisps.

I know probably trapped wind or the fact he likes to drink water very fast which bloats his belly but gosh my nerves are broken
My littlest drinks water fast after tea and then says her tummy hurts too. Once the next course comes she's all over it though! It's no good for the nerves though is it, just too much .
Here we go. Honestly anyone else reading these posts would genuinely think I am some sort of nutter.

So last night about 7pm (after not eating all day!) I ate 3 small slices of cheese pizza then got full up.

8 hours after eating the pizza I’m woken up with upset stomach and had to go to the loo.

I’m not worried at all because in the past my body has been known to reject certain levels of cheese but because in my head it’s 36 hours since that bloody chicken I’m now scared to go back to sleep cos yep this is it etc.

Now I’m convinced the pizza was dodgy.

honestly this is no joke is it and I’m beginning to wonder if I have some sort of underlying OCD contamination alongside emetophobia.

If it wasn’t for the fact I had a child and needed to set good examples I would 100% just survive on safe foods like plain pasta or crisps and lemonade.

This issue has heightened for me so much since having a child and maybe certain factors play a part in that such as I’m always exhausted, my body and brain don’t get to rest and recoup, I never stop.

I’m grateful for my safe space here so much!
Sometimes if I’ve starved myself and have hunger pains and then eat it goes straight through me. As if my body’s not expecting it so doesn’t know what to do it just presses eject!
Hello fellow vom crazies (no offence meant to anyone - this phobia really does feel like a form of insanity a lot of the time). I’ve had this horrible fear for 35 years of my life and I swear it will be the death of me. I am THIS 👌 close to losing my tit at the moment because of the massive norovirus epidemic. I’m sleeping terribly because I’m constantly terrified that my son with start with it. He is FIFTEEN YEARS OLD and I am still this scared. I wish there was another toilet in my house - we just have one bathroom and no en suite or downstairs loo, so I get really panicky about us having to share a bathroom when one of us has a D&V bug.

I completely relate to every single one of you. It’s unbearable isn’t it? And since my son was a baby and caught it in the run up to Christmas, it’s ruined December and Christmas for me because the anxiety completely takes over my brain.

Here is a blatant bid for sympathy because only you guys will understand: over the past few years I have developed a lot of food intolerances to common ingredients and if I eat anything that doesn’t agree with me, I end up with diarrhoea anything from 4-24 hours later. This has irritated my bowel so much that I also get randomly alternating constipation and diarrhoea, so sometimes even if I haven’t eaten anything that doesn’t agree with me I have diarrhoea. Basically I have no up with the shits at least twice a week and every single time I panic that it’s a bug because it’s very difficult to tell the difference. I am a wreck.
Hello fellow vom crazies (no offence meant to anyone - this phobia really does feel like a form of insanity a lot of the time). I’ve had this horrible fear for 35 years of my life and I swear it will be the death of me. I am THIS 👌 close to losing my tit at the moment because of the massive norovirus epidemic. I’m sleeping terribly because I’m constantly terrified that my son with start with it. He is FIFTEEN YEARS OLD and I am still this scared. I wish there was another toilet in my house - we just have one bathroom and no en suite or downstairs loo, so I get really panicky about us having to share a bathroom when one of us has a D&V bug.

I completely relate to every single one of you. It’s unbearable isn’t it? And since my son was a baby and caught it in the run up to Christmas, it’s ruined December and Christmas for me because the anxiety completely takes over my brain.

Here is a blatant bid for sympathy because only you guys will understand: over the past few years I have developed a lot of food intolerances to common ingredients and if I eat anything that doesn’t agree with me, I end up with diarrhoea anything from 4-24 hours later. This has irritated my bowel so much that I also get randomly alternating constipation and diarrhoea, so sometimes even if I haven’t eaten anything that doesn’t agree with me I have diarrhoea. Basically I have no up with the shits at least twice a week and every single time I panic that it’s a bug because it’s very difficult to tell the difference. I am a wreck.
I have IBS and I spent my teen years and twenties in a panic because of it. I take anti-anxiety tablets now and one of the side effects is constipation so I thoroughly recommend medication for two reasons - lack of diarrhoea and taking the edge off the permanent drama going on in my head!
I have IBS and I spent my teen years and twenties in a panic because of it. I take anti-anxiety tablets now and one of the side effects is constipation so I thoroughly recommend medication for two reasons - lack of diarrhoea and taking the edge off the permanent drama going on in my head!
Thank you. I’ve been thinking recently that I really need to be taking some form of anti anxiety meds again. I used to take sertraline and it took the edge off a bit. But I’m putting it off because I know it makes me really nauseous for the first week and I can’t cope with that while noro is doing the rounds.
@Scubasf I take Clomiperamine. It's been a life changer. I used to wash my shopping!!! I'm still mad but the improvement in my life is indescribable. Ok I am currently paranoid because the OH has had two days off work with the squits and stomach ache and if he was actually sick I probably wouldn't eat for a week but I can do things I couldn't even contemplate before I started taking them when my son was little. I still take Stemetil most days (it's my safety net) but I am fully functioning. Medicine has done stuff years of very expensive therapy failed to achieve.
Thank you. I’ve been thinking recently that I really need to be taking some form of anti anxiety meds again. I used to take sertraline and it took the edge off a bit. But I’m putting it off because I know it makes me really nauseous for the first week and I can’t cope with that while noro is doing the rounds.
I thank god haven’t seen any scare articles in the news about noro but I find it comforting to remind myself it is all year round and this article someone posted a while back (sorry I can’t remember who did it) gives me comfort too

I am going on a flight this weekend which will be full of children and I am absolutely shitting myself. I have packed wipes to clean the plane down ffs. It’s so exhausting I just want to have a good time but instead I’m letting it worry me to sleepless nights
I thank god haven’t seen any scare articles in the news about noro but I find it comforting to remind myself it is all year round and this article someone posted a while back (sorry I can’t remember who did it) gives me comfort too

Thanks for posting that, really good info. Shame the hand sanitiser they mention doesn't seem to be available in the UK, that would have really calmed me down. Very comforting that as long as you wash your hands before eating, get hot food in restaurants and don't stand next to anyone vomiting (I literally run for the hills if this happens anyway), you'll not contract the damn thing.
Thanks for posting that, really good info. Shame the hand sanitiser they mention doesn't seem to be available in the UK, that would have really calmed me down. Very comforting that as long as you wash your hands before eating, get hot food in restaurants and don't stand next to anyone vomiting (I literally run for the hills if this happens anyway), you'll not contract the damn thing.
I get a hand sanitizer from Amazon that kills noro it's called nilaqua
Thanks for posting that, really good info. Shame the hand sanitiser they mention doesn't seem to be available in the UK, that would have really calmed me down. Very comforting that as long as you wash your hands before eating, get hot food in restaurants and don't stand next to anyone vomiting (I literally run for the hills if this happens anyway), you'll not contract the damn thing.
I buy the “Clinell” range. Amazon also. Hospitals use it and it kills noro. I’ve spend probably over £200 on the range. Wipes, hand wipes, house spray, hand sanitizer. I’m mad I know but it’s a comfort blanket to me and it’s what I’ll be wiping the aircraft seats down with at the weekend
I regularly remind myself that I wasn't sick once between the age of 10 and 35... 25 years! And those are the years I was by far the LEAST careful with food and hygiene - especially my teens and early 20s, the things I would eat and the level of cleanliness I cringe at now but I never got sick!
I just was unlucky and we had 2 d&v bugs in the space of a year and it spiralled me out of control the last few years. I try to talk to myself about the statistical facts it's incredibly unlikely to happen, and most of the time it's my anxiety which makes me feel nauseous.
Thank you all for the sanitiser tips! I'll be upping my game and rinsing Amazon for all it's got!

I'm so glad I started this thread (under a different username - I forgot my old password because I'm a loser!). I really have found my people, and I can't tell you how good it feels to be understood and not made to feel like I'm some weirdo who just overreacts. Thank you! ❤️
Thank you all for the sanitiser tips! I'll be upping my game and rinsing Amazon for all it's got!

I'm so glad I started this thread (under a different username - I forgot my old password because I'm a loser!). I really have found my people, and I can't tell you how good it feels to be understood and not made to feel like I'm some weirdo who just overreacts. Thank you! ❤

I feel exactly the same way! I feel safe here to come on and panic when I’m having a moment. And I love the sharing of tips and advice too!
I've been poorly this week with a cough and sore throat and of course I've over done it on the over counter remedies and my stomach is paying the price. Rational brain says it's a combination of this and the McDonald's I had earlier but anxiety brain is in over drive so now I won't let myself sleep until my safe time (4am, don't ask why!) and I'm up driving myself mad. I hate this phobia! I'm so glad I've found people who get it
Great so I wake up to a load of texts from a friend (who we haven’t seen) telling me at 3am her son has been sick 4 times.

She doesn’t know the extent of my phobia so it’s not her fault telling me but her son is the same age as mine and goes to a different nursery.

I know it’s no different than a stranger telling me but I just like to live in an oblivious world where it doesn’t exist.

now in my head I’ll be doing the 48 hour countdown for my friend
Sooo glad i stumbled across this thread 😭

I’m diagnosed with asd, adhd, ocd & emetophobia… Currently in the countdown zone, my little one had V no D yesterday at 3am… Seems ok today. He’s neurologically complex with other disabilities so often with him it’s a “who knows” thing but naturally i am BESIDE myself with anxiety.

I hate hate hate this so much, it consumes me. My husband is so patient and tolerant but i know im extremely annoying and paranoid and hypervigilant. You’d think id be more concerned about the possibility hes having migraines than a run of the mill N infection!?

Anyway, just wanted to say hello and thank you for this thread, i’ve just read through the whole thing and feel much better knowing im not the only one out there struggling!

Does anyone else do a 72 hour countdown? or just 48?