Her reel with jumping into different shoes has made me laugh because all I see at the start is lodgers reflection in the framed print filming it for her. cant believe she doesn’t use a tripod as it would be more steady.
She complained about the light in her bathroom too and I think it’s odd that she doesn’t use light rings for her ad work, it’s pretty much a staple if your full time job is filming ads surely? It just shows how slapdash her whole operation is, she won’t spend money on the equipment needed.
she also had a story where a hotel chocolat Advent calendar had been delivered and lodger was ripping into it with his meaty paws
Made me feel sick how grabby they both are. Do they sit in that flat hungry and devour freebies as they come through the door?? Has she ever thought about putting some of the free
tit aside and doing a give away or donate to people in need? And not just bags of makeup that’s 3 years old, like up to date stuff. I bet the thought never crosses her mind