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Alll I have now in my head id slim shady .... guess who’s back, back again....Elsa, Chelsey and Loubobang (amongst others) went for Simon because of the charity calendar shoot, then it turned out that he had been sent down for telling everyone he had cancer and months to live, then stealing £100 of fundraising money (he claims the money “went missing” but he pled guilty because he was advised to). So Elsa and Chelsey and Loubobang really went in on him for it. He claims to have been targeted by people online telling him to kill himself and threatened so he left tiktok and then came back the day after, then left again after making a massive fuss counting down the days “I am leaving on Wednesday” and then lasted all of 4 days before coming back and miming to rap music badly saying he was back to get people etc and that someone tried to put a brick through his window which is untrue.