Honestly, I'm off work in bed and I have literally been glued to this all day. I have absolutely no idea how anyone in their right mind can stand up for this woman's actions and I think the way Chelsea and Rosie have handled it, and Chicken, has been spot on..
It's beyond me how anyone could justify her behaviour, mental health problems or not. Surely her probation team must be aware of this frigging insanity?
To those of you who have said she lives locally to you, what exactly is she like in person? I'm intrigued as to whether she is as batshit crazy in reality as she is online or if it's some weird persona she has made up for herself. I see that the Ashleigh girl has disappeared, she must be shitting it if she thought she was going on tv regarding the surrogacy thing, she's blown that out of the water totally....they won't go near her now and I can't imagine anyone will take her seriously in the future. She's probably run for the hills today if she's got any sense!
On a last note........I've just had a run in on tiktok with some loopfruit sticking up for her and had to block her