Apparently Jack has said that he's been up and fed/walked Kai. Big doubt on that
I honestly agree. I understand the whole "it's not my responsibility thing" but just general helping out is normal? The problem develops when the owner expects you to take on the full responsibilities without you actually being the owner. I think Chelsea is avoiding it because of that + she doesn't like dogs. Everyone knows Elphie is just useless
Really if no one wants to pull their weight, the parents are better off hiring a dog walker or something. The parents suck too though, letting Jack move away with a dog that he probably had the same problems with. Though I also get the sense that they don't like Kai very much
I'm back home caring for the dogs while my mum is away and they're so much work purely because all of the little tasks sort of build up and I'm having to plan my day around walking them. I really don't know how I would manage if I had a disability on top of it that brings a lot of uncertainty to ensuring basic care