Why does she have to get the bloody ring shot in everything! Some of the ways she tries to get it in just look so uncomfortable for her
Her ring is tit as well
Why does she have to get the bloody ring shot in everything! Some of the ways she tries to get it in just look so uncomfortable for her
I don't think she fully understands what some people are going through at the moment, not just people who are pensioners or unemployed but also working families are struggling. I get the impression her parents provided everything for her and now Clint works away almost permanently, just so she can sit on her arse playing at being an influencer. She buys crap because she's bored. I get sick of hearing about her bad days and how difficult it is to have 4 sponsored pieces of content to prepare. Imagine if she still had a real job that means putting in real effort. She's lazy, spoilt and entitled, has no concept of what being a working mum is any more, she struggled working 2 days a week, imagine if she was full time? She doesn't even cook proper meals, everything is convenience or processed, all Coopers food was from jars, she has/had time to cook healthy meals, clearly has the funds from the amount of crap she buys and loves to show off her car and everything in the houseThe pumpkin haul During a cost of living crisis she has done a video detailing her hundreds of ££s worth of (tit) ceramic/velvet/glass pumpkins. Banging on and on about how they’re ‘not extortionate’ and ‘won’t break the bank’, yet she showed SO MANY. I honestly think her content is getting leas and less relatable, but more and more vulgar. I like a seasonal candle as much as the next person, but her constant ‘influencing’ encouraging the purchasing unnecessary tit is everything that’s wrong with instagram/YT nowadays imo!
Definitely. I’m all for buying one for two pumpkins from the supermarket to carve out nearer the time and that’s about all I’m sparing to spend on Halloween! It’s influencers all over for you. I think they get addicted to buying a load of crap that just gets dusty in their home and think everyone else has or should have the same problem as them oh what a boring life in the home stores day in day out looking for what new crap you haven’t already showcased on your channelThe pumpkin haul During a cost of living crisis she has done a video detailing her hundreds of ££s worth of (tit) ceramic/velvet/glass pumpkins. Banging on and on about how they’re ‘not extortionate’ and ‘won’t break the bank’, yet she showed SO MANY. I honestly think her content is getting leas and less relatable, but more and more vulgar. I like a seasonal candle as much as the next person, but her constant ‘influencing’ encouraging the purchasing unnecessary tit is everything that’s wrong with instagram/YT nowadays imo!
I’ve seen a few influencers advertising this lately lol.Oh and suddenly she’s “learning a new language”
As if she would have not mentioned it before if she was??
will literally advertise any old crap
To me that sounds like she feels she has only settled for Clint because he will work away for 2 weeks travel, come home and play with the kids. If I were Clint, I'd be pissed off, she clearly thinks she's better than him, stuck up witchUnless your partner is exactly like Clint then you are settling
You've got to give it to her, the woman is a genius. She was wasted as a teacherI had never thought to put clothes together in outfits as I pack. I was just going to shove random clothes in the suitcase and hope for the best.
She’s really irritated me with her latest story about endometriosis and seems lots of others too. She’s said a few times that she’s got this condition and that she’s ‘diagnosed with it’ which is BS because you can’t be without an actual operation for them to physically see it. It’s not saw on scans or anything, you need to physically look for it. The latest stories of her saying she’s not had it confirmed but will soon so they are 1000% sure.. no Ellie, so they can actually diagnose you at all. Yes you’re boring and you’re lazy but that was well before cooper was born so don’t try and now open up about the ‘reason’ you struggle with your content or effort, I can see it already.
I haven't seen the story but with someone who suffers from endo it took YEARS for me to get it confirmed/diagnosed. Countless gp visits before they reluctantly referred to the hospital. I have had ops, had what I can removed (it grows back) so it's a constant battle. The pain I have with it will make me physically sick, periods are horrendous, the constant stomach pains just to name a few of the unpleasant symptoms. So it really winds me up when people throw endometriosis around when they have a bit of a bad period etc. It's certainly not something you decide you have or something that goes away after a few months.
Morons like this take the piss.
trust me, I get it. Her comments that she’s having an ‘endo flare’ because she came on just made me roll my eyes so hard. Your period that is due and has happened because you’re doing nothing to prevent it, isn’t a flare up of a condition you have decided yourself you have. Ridiculous. She’s only seen her GP and has said they ‘know’ for a fact she has it.. duck where is this GP with super human eyes that can see inside her body?! I can’t say tooo much as I’m sure she reads her and will know who I am, but the treatment (if you can call it that) she’s gone to have does not make sense with what she’s saying. Endo grows ON the organs, they don’t go IN them to see it, they literally open you up. She’s irritated me so much with it all and I know it’s petty but duck off Ellie