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So I also got into a bit of a panic the other night reading all these side effects? I don’t know why particularly cause everything that comes out liey is tit! But I think when you read it over and over again, it affects you. I have took a break from looking at her on insta.I have also noticed how the ages/dates of a lot of those anon reports dont add up with the dates the vaccines would have been available to people. I was starting to get really worried at first seeing all those reports but if you read then more closely so many are obviously fake, or are real second hand information like heard of a friend of a friends, grandma's neighbours dog walkers son etc! I have had both vaccines and a lot of the people I work with have also had it, I luckilly had no side effects and know lots of people at work who also didn't have side effects, quite a few did but have the known side effects like sore arm and feeling flu like symptoms but recovered fully and I do know of one person who developed a blood clot on her lung and was off work for a few weeks but there have been about 300 odd people in my company who have had it and just the one really bad reaction, she is incidentally fully recovered and back at work now x
I think you’re absolutely right, these are deffo my grandmas, friends, cousins, son said that......
out of everyone I know who has had the vaccine (which is all my close family, friends and colleagues) only 1 person has had serious side effects? She can’t have it again, But none of her side effects were the anything like what liey is putting up. My husband had his first on sat, and had a sore arm. Still milked it for all it was worth