this! Ive always said to everyone if you can come to me with a reasoned and backed up argument I’ll listen. My brother who has gone down the rabbit hole says that people only wear masks for selfish reasons because they are scared for themselves? These people believe they know more, they’ve sussed it out, and now they can’t be reasoned with. I’ve come to the conclusion you can’t argue with stupid. The only arguments they have is it’s still in clinical trials until 2023 and it’s not FDA approved? duck off, let Darwinism sort out!
Hopefully that argument is about to be null anyway. The clinical trials more or less finished, hence the emergency approval being granted by almost every regulatory body in the world, the only 'trial' part of it continuing is collecting data to be able to give stats for its effectiveness, etc. at the end. There have been hundreds of millions of doses delivered worldwide now for most of the injections, with evidence of effectiveness and very minimal significant adverse reactions. And a friend quite in the States (a medical director involved in public health and emergency care in one of the states with quite a bad vaxx uptake), suggests that they reckon the FDA may remove emergency approval in the near future and give it it's full licence in the coming 6 months or so.
I love the FDA use here though. Gives away that they are being drip fed brainwashing material from someone heavily reliant on US troofers as if they were "doing their own research" they'd realise that the FDA has no regulatory authority here, that is the MHRA, and once the MHRA granted emergency approval here, the FDA weren't far behind, nor were other regulatory bodies...and since then, any country that has spoken about concerns over one or another seem to have had financial or political interests in a different one being pushed.
And I cannot speak for everyone, but I wear my mask for the elderly in my community, the workers I come into contact with, etc. My mask isn't for me alone otherwise I'd have invested in reusable FFP3s. I don't understand how just over a year on since masks were mandated they still think people are wearing masks because they are scared or selfish (maybe some are scared) and don't realise that the whole mask-wearing premise was about protecting people from the wearer. I wear mine and I protect you more than not, and then hopefully you are wearing one and then we are both minimising any risk of transmission. And the fact they reckon it is all a control and fear measure, blah, blah...nothing exists outside of the UK to this lot as if it did, they would realise that other countries were already doing it because they are more socially responsible, for example, the Japanese wear masks a lot. I always assumed it was a result of city pollution, but turns out many wear them when they have even slight colds to stop risking others getting ill. This lot moan wearing one for 5 minutes to pop into a shop in potentially a once in a lifetime pandemic, yet other countries and cultures do it for even slight illness!