They haven’t unfollowed. If you don’t put a underscore after their names in the search bar, they won’t come up x
Do you know why that is?
They haven’t unfollowed. If you don’t put a underscore after their names in the search bar, they won’t come up x
They are very similar in all of those things at times! Also their YouTube videos are very similar a lot of the time. Loads of “cosy” videos in autumn/winter, primark & B&M hauls etc! They do know one another, I think from Instagram/YouTube ( someone may correct me) - they don’t live near each other though.I’ve missed the Gemma Louise Miles references, but finding her on IG, my guess is the reason she’s mentioned is that her and Elle look identical in their hair, clothes, styles and poses? Do they know one another?
I’ve missed the Gemma Louise Miles references, but finding her on IG, my guess is the reason she’s mentioned is that her and Elle look identical in their hair, clothes, styles and poses? Do they know one another?
Is it me or does she have a lazy eye? Or eyes? She is talking and they are rolling all over the gaff
Oh I see! I haven’t really read this thread thoroughly I have only just started checking her out after seeing comments on the Gemma thread.Spoken about loads before on this thread and by Elle. She has always had a lazy eye and had a corrective procedure which seemed to have worked for a while but lately they're been looking off again - could be down to stress and lack of sleep.
I know they've got a lot going on, but surely they new it was one person per household allowed to go shopping. Connor posted he had to chill in the car
The government do.Not all supermarkets have the same rules
The government do.
The government haven’t actually specified to say only 1 person per house hold can shop, if they had then all shops would have to adhere to this rule. Some supermarkets are allowing multiple people in together and others are restricting it to one personThe government do.
I think it’s got 5 bedrooms. I have no idea why they don’t want to stay long. It’s the house of most people’s dreams. Big garden, loads of space, drive way, nice area, what else do they wanthow big is their house ? it looks a decent size so i was shocked when Connor said they dont plan on staying long and will move when they have kids ?
Sorry if I’ve misunderstood, I didn’t see the stories but I think this is so insensitive as it’s not just because of self isolating they haven’t been on YouTube Elles mum died so why in the world would you ever say you’re grateful for the time off work that’s disgusting I’m sorryConnor is just greedy and lazy, his post the other day on his stories answering the questions annoyed me when he said he was enjoying the free time as they have been off YouTube for a while, makes me laugh how he says they would never normally have a day out of work, what is it he does exactly?