Ella Ravenscroft #2

She hasn’t always been thin. I knew her years ago when we were like 16/17 and she was plump!!
i guess if she wants kids close together it makes sense now that the wedding is over to be pregnant now. I hope she doesn't go back to deathly skinny after like she was for her wedding. She's always been very thin but he has started to look emaciated
Just signed with a new talent management company, maybe this page will pick up in the coming months. She's a hard one to figure out, she portrays her page as professional instagrammer but doesn't seem to follow through on much.

i think its because she started it as a career thing but now doesnt need the money so it seems like she just does it because she's bored/lonely.
Also looks like she's wanting to get some new projects on the go so might take some time to herself but can't see her waiting too long for baby no2 if they are able so that they don't have too big a gap in ages.
Not to body shame, i know some people are naturally very slight and healthy within themselves at that weight, but given how petite and lacking body fat Ella currently seems to be, especially compared to what she has been, i wouldn't be surprised if she has lost her cycle, let alone able to get pregnant.
I’m willing to place money on the new management contract being so she can monetise the next pregnancy which is totally under wraps and it’s to look less like a gold digggaaa