I feel she has way more than six coats... On top of those Sentaler coats, she has a Burberry trench coat, some vintage coats with fur collars/ coats entirely made out of fur which she inherited from her grandmother and used to wear in Chris days (
), she has this hideous red plaid coat she bought in Hawaii in January during her post-breakup retail therapy and some weird puffy coat she bought around the same period.
BTW, I went back to her first trash thread on GG. She had only one thread until Joe dumped her in April 2018 and it literally erupted then. Anyway, it was hilarious to read some identical comments to what we write nowadays. Lots of people pointed out he dumped her because he was just an accessory to her, that she was a manic spender and hoarder. That she wanted to be a kept woman and her 'career' was a sham. Even back then lots of ladies were pointing out Smelle's scamming ways, as well as her total lack of consideration and respect for others. It was fun reading it all but at the same time absolutely second hand embarrassing because to think Smelle hasn't improved her character at all in those 2 years (or actually gotten worse) is properly eye-opening. Right now even her channel is tanking. Her breakup video at least brought her tons of views.