New member
Today I have unfollowed her. The content is 100% Adverts and selling and shamelessly so. I've lost all respect for her and feel compelled (almost) to suggest to her that she gets a real actual job!!!!!!
Probably bought like them all…and still her subscriber numbers rise. What’s the story there?
duck off on the double you privileged cossetted fool with no sense of reality.Aren't you just back from Paris? Bloody Paris on your own.Then two girls nights out since,the most recent with the blogger pals.Pity about you moaning today on your refreshing woodland walk ON YOUR OWN.Omg F off eimear
Moaning she’s NO time whilst out walking in the woods alone mid day mid week
you have 3 full hours minimum whilst your kids are at school /ECCE
try working a full timejob on top of kids and getback to me
Ah that’s a bit harsh. She made loads of jumpers tooI unfollowed months ago. Can't believe this one is still going. Is it just more or less the same as it was - cutting out and sticking bits on jamjars?