EHolmes So Many Thoughts

Says she considered all angles. But not this one Lizzie. You deadset look 5 months preggo.
ETA I think she just has really bad posture, i don't think she's carrying extra weight.
Back in April Elizabeth wrote this and I posted a screenshot of it. She criticised Taylor for dressing "according to a lyric or girlish sentiment" but Elizabeth spent weeks planning an outfit to complement Christmas decorations and posts this comment about "not being afraid to be seen trying".

So it is ok for Elizabeth to over-analyse and plan her outfits but not Taylor. Got it. Her double standards is so transparent. Taylor had the audicity to reject appearing on Meghan's podcast so she is persona non grata.

Does she not realise how inconsistent and one-sided she is?

Sometimes she goes so liberal she ends up on the right. Maybe Taylor just likes the preppy style and has fun wearing outfits that match her current album? She’s the most famous person in the world, I’m sure she can do what she wants. Elizabeth is all for women dressing how they want but if they don’t give it the “correct” attention or how she’d want, then they’re exhausting? Stfu