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I couldn't agree more. He is 100% being emotionally abused and its so hard to see until he's a cocky little prick. I would love to message him and explain what she is doing but he just wouldn't listen. It's quite sad reallyyeah I think someone else touched on it previously but I think you can be an arse, a bit of a head, a cocky bastard and still not deserve to be in an emotionally abusive relationship. I genuinely believe that all of the nasty traits that have surfaced are influenced by Eden too, things like commenting back to people about how they pay his wages or saying he’ll fill someone in, it’s all stuff I can hear coming out of Edens mouth.
Yeah he pursued Eden, moving in straight away was extremely odd and how he has no qualms on how he speaks to her family is strange but I genuinely believe he had no idea what he was letting himself in for
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