I think if enough people do it they will have to take notice. People can contact the nspcc anonymously and they will pass it on to the relative authorities if people don’t want to contact ss.
So this is what I have so far there was something else important I wanted to add but can’t bloody think of what it was
To whom it may concern,
I am contacting you with regards to one of your creators Eden Harvey who mainly works on TikTok and instagram. I have thought long and hard about sending this email as the last thing I would want to do is derail someone’s career. As you are probably aware Eden has a young following who are at a stage in their lives that they are easily influenced. Some of her content and things she is saying on her live streams are very concerning, she is basically advising followers that zopiclone is a good way to cope with your boyfriend being out with his mates for the night, why not give some non addictive helpful advice? Like finding stuff to do for yourself distraction techniques, watch a movie with a friend etc…
She constantly talks about sex on her live videos telling one live stream that she was going to “suck Lloyd off later” talking about sex toys on a regular basis.
Giving absolutely appalling personal hygiene advice telling her young audience that unless they use femfresh deodorant they will be smelly down there! Can you imagine a 12 year old asking their mum to buy her some the mum saying no so the young girl uses normal deodorant? The skin there is so delicate they could cause a lot to damage, even the stuff made for down there isn’t recommended by any health professional.
Another time she was talking about sex on her live someone said in the comments remember you have young people in the live to which her response was “well they’re going to learn one day” it is not Eden’s place to take that decision away from a parent.
While on live the other day her own mother called her followers unhinged and deranged not realising that Eden was live at the time.