Yes she said chemo didn't work and there is no other treatment other than alternative. She literally implied that there is no treatment for stage 4 cancer other than meditation and re-wiring your brain.
Saydee! Good to see you in this corner. I wonder if you could make some sense of this. I wanted to recommend some of their videos to you but then I don't want you to suffer through it. If you watch their podcast, you will definitely think that they have lost their minds.
They are vegan, new age, eco, bio, van lifers (I know
) with a very successful youtube channel called Eamon & Bec (over million subscribers) and now a podcast too. I only noticed them when she became diagnosed. They seem like good people to me albeit frustrating and with very different ideologies.
Some background on Bec's cancer. Diagnosed in 2021, her cancer was invasive ductal carcinoma, estrogen positive. It was believed to be stage 0 at first but then became stage 3 due to bad surgery margins (other reasons?). There was cancer all over the margins. All investigated lymph nodes were negative for cancer. Bec chose to have a lumpectomy. The doctor told her that as her cancer was not caused by a known gene, it did not warrant a mastectomy and the risk of recurrence was similar with lumpectomy and mastectomy. She received chemo and radiation. She had a couple of clear scans and then got pregnant. She must have stopped her post treatment hormonal drugs. She started to experience shoulder pain whilst deep into the pregnancy and a couple of months later is diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer with tumours in the bones and liver. The baby is delivered 6 weeks early to reduce the oestrogen in Bec's body which was causing tumours to grow rapidly. She said she wants positive vibes and she doesn't want negativity from her followers and people around her. She asked people in her environment to respect that and she asked the same of her viewers. She implied she doesn't want her life to be about cancer and doesn't want to talk about it much. And now things turned crazy if they weren't already. In their "come-back" video which informed us that she is now stage 4, she also mentioned that the metastases are reduced, she no longer has pain, and her scans are good. She said she meditates for hours and can do cartwheels again. They then talked about it a bit in their podcast. The jist of it is that as the chemo (for the original cancer) didn't work (as it returned, she says), there no longer is treatment for her and they are doing alternative stuff, mainly meditation. She mentioned "infusions" too but we don't know what those are. She again said that the scans are good and tumour markers are good. They said that they believed she is healed from stage 4 cancer.
Of course when my husband had exhausted all treatments I went off searching and left no stone unturned. I was pointed in the direction of a clinic in Mexico...... which I quickly realised was a scam. I later did connect with an alternative doctor based in Brussels where he looked over all my husbands medical files and imaging. He ran hundreds of blood tests on my husband using Genova diagnostics where they look at gut health, nutrition, immune function, the endocrine system, and genomics. From there, he wrote up a "personalised protocol" to hopefully help my husband. The personalised protocol was laughable! I still have it stored it my email account. It is shocking stuff. Me being me decided I would set up a facebook support group to connect with all his other patients which did very well. It attracted a few hundred stage 4 patients, but what we all quickly learnt is that the "personalised protocol" was the same for all patients. Nothing was personal to any patient.
He had obviously wrote up a 50 page plan and sells it to desperate patients. He never imagined that those patients might connect and start asking questions!