Jeez I don't know some of this commentary about her is harsh. Life is not black and white. She took the role in the UK to further her career yes, but it is not like she is some investment banker where career advancement only betters her life. The role she has in the UK will give her specialist skills she cannot obtain here in Ireland and will allow her to return to a role in Ireland where she can hopefully bring those skills to a pre hospital role here. She also took the role pre covid so those saying she went in the middle of a pandemic are incorrect. Not one person here could have foreseen how this year would go this time last year. She found herself in a difficult situation and has tried to make the best of it. People are pontificating here about her as if she is a super spreader and I would love to know if each of those people has stayed in the confines of their own homes in the last 2 weeks and didn't go to any busy shops, santa events crap, see family or friends or go and eat in restaurant or pub. You are more likely to be a spreader than her! She has 3 small kids I absolutely cannot believe that anyone is saying po faced she should have stayed in UK and not seen them for xmas. Like seriously.
I have absolutely no connection to her before anyone starts but she has been incredibly kind to me via DM. And I know for sure if I am ever unfortunate enough to be involved in an accident where getting to a hospital
Very well said felt some of the comments here very very harsh. Think anyone that has worked on the front line this year derseves more credit and a little happiness.
I’m sorry but I just don’t understand this mentality.
If comments are harsh, maybe ask yourself why. My children haven’t seen their grandparents in over a year. They didn’t see them at all this Christmas. We don’t know when we’ll see them again. One of my best friends works overseas and missed his baby daughter’s first Christmas. My brother in law and family couldn’t come home from the US. My cousin is stuck in Australia. My only sibling didn’t come home from Christmas.
This is a very serious pandemic. People are dying. NPHET haven't imposed these restrictions for no reason and Lisa Cunningham has no right to break them when so many others are trying their damnedest.
What’s really harsh is elderly grannies and grandads dying alone in nursing homes because that’s the reality.