VIP Member
Dr Laura GP.
Joined insta a year ago wanting to talk about women’s health and break down taboos. Now has done a 360 turn into an insta hun with an AD almost every second day. She shared her inbox twice this week and she had emails begging for collabs with dummies, baby wipes, skin care (again), spf, excema cream, baby toys .... everything is gifted these days or else an AF. Has a drab overly flower style of clothes that she continues to share despite it not being particularly any style. An avid breastfeeder but moans about not having a routine despite dad being off on 6 months paid paternity leave, they have a childminder daily for the other 2 kids also! She’s planning to open a GP / skin/ women’s health clinic in Galway and the insta account has turned into an amazon add lately. For a GP it’s strange to see someone recommend so much prescription skin care without ever seeing someone’s skin. She’s had an AD with most skin brands but they have told pharmacists she was the one who approached them for the collabs. Recently went on a few free staycations and deleted snaps where she gave out about the room not being cleaned during the day. Thread was requested.
Joined insta a year ago wanting to talk about women’s health and break down taboos. Now has done a 360 turn into an insta hun with an AD almost every second day. She shared her inbox twice this week and she had emails begging for collabs with dummies, baby wipes, skin care (again), spf, excema cream, baby toys .... everything is gifted these days or else an AF. Has a drab overly flower style of clothes that she continues to share despite it not being particularly any style. An avid breastfeeder but moans about not having a routine despite dad being off on 6 months paid paternity leave, they have a childminder daily for the other 2 kids also! She’s planning to open a GP / skin/ women’s health clinic in Galway and the insta account has turned into an amazon add lately. For a GP it’s strange to see someone recommend so much prescription skin care without ever seeing someone’s skin. She’s had an AD with most skin brands but they have told pharmacists she was the one who approached them for the collabs. Recently went on a few free staycations and deleted snaps where she gave out about the room not being cleaned during the day. Thread was requested.