What strikes me in much of this is that considering the omniclustershamblefuck* that is the help, care, and support available for (fellow) people such as myself who have been raped or otherwise victimised; that she, just like all of the bleeping rapists out there, has looked at this situation, seen it, and their brains have thought, aha, here is an opportunity for me.
*using this word at a misogynistic Met Police officer who didn't like my attitude very much & led to him getting in touch with my GP suggesting I needed sectioning and claiming a false history of psychosis & was a danger to myself. In fact, very similar 'concerned' BS as the type JT was writing about Sally-Anne.
These are the kinds of experiences victims have going on & all JT bangs on about it herself. I've learnt that there are lots of horrible, nasty people out there willing to capitalise on others victimhood - simultaneously feeding off, and kicking victims when at their lowest.
Jessica, if you're reading this bang on about yourself as much as you like, you're nothing but a monstrous rape-vulture-vampire.