Downtherapids #3 Action man rescuer, master of rugged terrain, all the agency of an egg sandwich.

My first thought was that Cat2 is Cat1's mum.
It can't be the same cat? My head can't cope with that theory.

Is it a ragdoll or a ragdoll cross?
Keeps talking about how she stinks and has a "smelly bum" and diarrhea. Says he tried to clean it with wet tissue then his hands. Now he's decided a groomer should sort it.

It could well be an abscess and the cat needs antibiotics. I don't believe the story about his next door neighbour magically watching his videos and her mother being sick. I find him renaming the cat bleeping weird. None of this is ringing true. And he wants to change her diet suddenly but she belongs to somebody else.

Frankly if I were responsible for this cat I would have it at the emergency vet that night.

And the way he says he didn't post on tiktok yesterday because he got bad news about the other cat he was "adopting". Too busy fishing for sympathy on facebook.

Utter psychopath.
Facebook more critical with people advising she needs the emergency vet.


I'm not a cat pwrson but know several people who are.

FeLV is highly contagious and is what Hope had. This new cat has several matching symptoms. Make of that what you will.