
She really is desperate isn’t she 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ve never known anyone to ooze so much desperation.
Have you seen her recent ‘creations?’ The earrings? She’s not even sanded the edges and they look so tatty and unprofessional.

These are hers:
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These are another small businesses earrings, see how smooth and perfect they are.

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They all looks awful. Like biscuits or a kids playdough creation
Beg beg beg…

I’m resurrecting this thread because she is annoying me so much these days. Every time I look at her stories she’s guilting her followers for money. Today it’s that she has to go to the dentist and it’s scary and please can people buy from her? It’s always something, it does my head in.
I don’t follow her anymore, but had a look at her stories today. What even are those “paintings”? Do people actually buy them? I’m baffled
I just don’t understand how she (and loads of other Instagram craft sales people) feel comfortable ripping off someone else’s characters and designs. Like the Disney stuff. They might be a massive company etc so they won’t feel any big financial losses from it but it’s Disney’s characters. I can understand the inspired by type stuff for tv shows etc that don’t have much official merch but even then using copyrighted photos of characters just seems scammy. Creating fan art is one thing but ripping off characters and stuff to make money is another.

I feel like these Instagram craft sales people would rage if someone ripped off one of their designs so I don’t get the logic!
I’ve not bothered looking at the fraud for a while, but had a nosey today. Oh what a surprise she has been ill again 🤦🏻‍♀️ In other words, acting ill to get sympathy sales. FFS woman! Her behaviour is actually disgusting.
FFS! Is she ever well? Girl needs to see a doctor if she’s this unwell all the time.
‘Yes Jemma, I know what the problem is, you have feelsorryformeitis and sympathysalesitis.’

FFS! Is she ever well? Girl needs to see a doctor if she’s this unwell all the time.
‘Yes Jemma, I know what the problem is, you have feelsorryformeitis and sympathysalesitis.’

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Can you imagine you’ve ordered something and then you read that she’s alternating working with throwing up? It would really put me off waiting for my parcel of disease.
So… she does read here. Hi Jemma… how about you make some original art?? 🤣
Or get a proper job perhaps, save you having to beg people to buy your stuff rather than making sales through begging.

Do we think she will get a job in September? Seeing as she blames having a child for not working 🤦🏻‍♀️

I’m going with no, she will always find a reason not to work.

I’m sure the begging to buy her sh*t will continue rather than have people buy it because they like her work, which seems few and far between.

Do we think she will get a job in September? Seeing as she blames having a child for not working 🤦🏻‍♀️

I’m going with no, she will always find a reason not to work.

I’m sure the begging to buy her sh*t will continue rather than have people buy it because they like her work, which seems few and far between.

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Why would she? The kid is always at nursery or being looked after by dad so it’s not like she hasn’t had the chance to get a small part time job on the side for a while?
Why would she? The kid is always at nursery or being looked after by dad so it’s not like she hasn’t had the chance to get a small part time job on the side for a while?

Doesn’t her partner work? She’s just lazy. That’s what it boils down to. Doesn’t she realise if she worked, she’d provide a better life for her son. If she’s so stressed all the time as she say she is, her little boy will pick up on that.

More begging today! ‘To help me enjoy my break, buy from my shop.’ Oh f*ck off you massive beg!!