
Can you say in the same sentence that they are both a great tool for weight loss and disordered eating? I have no experience of the injections but I do have disordered eating and the last thing I need is easy access to this
Can you say in the same sentence that they are both a great tool for weight loss and disordered eating? I have no experience of the injections but I do have disordered eating and the last thing I need is easy access to this

They’re an appetite suppressant and also make you not crave as much sugar so if your disordered eating centres around binge eating and sugar, they can definitely help. The only issue is, if you don’t engage in the psychological help, once you come off them the sugar cravings come back and you can binge eat without restriction again. Your appetite comes back pretty quickly after stopping which is why so many people regain the weight because they don’t do the work that it takes to change their lifestyle without the support.
Has the idiot typed a ‘b’ instead of an ‘h?’ I mean, b is below h on the keyboard. But that ‘the’ definitely looks like ‘tbe.’

While this isn’t exactly new for her, I almost consider it a new level. I was just looking at her stories from last night - she was posting that she had hoped for two sales but only got one, and then saying basically that she wouldn’t stop working until a second person bought something, and how she’s soooo tired and done so much so won’t you please care and buy?
While this isn’t exactly new for her, I almost consider it a new level. I was just looking at her stories from last night - she was posting that she had hoped for two sales but only got one, and then saying basically that she wouldn’t stop working until a second person bought something, and how she’s soooo tired and done so much so won’t you please care and buy?

I haven’t seen the stories, but if no one is ordering, realistically how much work can she be doing?
I haven’t seen the stories, but if no one is ordering, realistically how much work can she be doing?

She just keeps adding new stuff to the shop. Seriously, pick something that sells well and focus on products from that category.

She also said she was feeling unwell (again) must be those injections as they’re certainly not doing anything else to her as they’re intended.
I honestly don't understand how that marriage works. If I was pissing about selling tit stickers and copied crap while my husband worked as a NURSE I would feel so guilty. She could definitely work a few hours in a shop or something and earn more than she makes from her crap "art".
I know this is nothing that hasn't been said before but honestly, it makes me so angry!
Being self employed and crafty businesses are all well and good but there comes a point when you have to realise a) your stuff isn't that good, that's why it doesn't sell well and b) you're not contributing enough to your family's finances.
It’s not I feel so sorry for my husband and child that they go out coz they have to school and work to better themselves and fund my whole lifestyle and as a result get sick.

Its ‘I want don’t want to get sick for the two days I spend consistent time with them’ 🤒
So selfless 😅
Can’t believe she’s posted about the child wanting a drum kit for Christmas which is like less than two weeks away and then says “right gang every sale helps” 🙃 I’m not rolling in it myself but made sure to sort my daughter before anyone or anything else 🤷🏻‍♀️ including putting off going on ozepmic which I’d love to do but it would put too much of a financial strain on us so 🙃🙄 the guilt tripping for sales has been going on for years and yet I’m still shocked at the brazenness of it every time