What’s her handleOff I go to snoop
What’s her handleOff I go to snoop
I actually cannot watch Dr Hilary Cheryl Fallon anymore. Her page makes me very uneasy. She is absolutely emaciated
She looks ill with 80s style hair and make up. She needs a good dinner and a major make over.No that’s the way she poses
Yeah I heard it from someone and a friend of mine lives in her park…unfortunately my friend realised that I was here repeating things so has flat out refused to talk about her anymore as she says she is entitled to her privacy if she isn’t posting stuff ….I do love my friend but sometimes wish she was more of a gossipDid I read here before Christmas that they were expecting a baby through a surrogate at some point in January?
SurrogacyJust seen a post with Dr doireann and her babys buggy...did yee know she expecting...I read this thread on and off but after getting a surprise....never seen anything mentioned....???can someone fill us in??