Do I want it? No. Do I need it? No. Save it! #3

It was awkward but I got the £10 back with a £5 top up. 🥴
-£35 from someone else when I told them yesterday, but I only sent my details to him this morning .
-£79 from person 3.
I got kinda suckered yesterday. Quidco sent me an “extra cashback” for buying something electrical on eBay. Before I knew it there’s a ninja air fryer on its way. 🙄 In my defence, the current one is in pieces as the children have been using it for basketball practice I assume and I could only turn it on using pliers.

Cheap eats right now. Rhubarb is growing like the weed it is - crumble crumble anyone? And one of the chickens keeps giving us double yolkers. 😋
So had a slip up and ordered some clothes even though I have loads... It's not worth the money so want to send it back. There's a £3.50 fee for refunds and then the postage cost too.

When I order online I kid myself with 'I can always send it back and get a refund'.

Will try to remember about these refund fees as it'll put me off buying stuff!
Living on it. enough to manage but not a lot spare - partly my own fault and the monthly regular vet fees for 3 dogs and 2 cats is ridiculous, I shouldn't have so many animals, but I have and I love them so they stay.

I feel for you @TheMiceInTheShed. Pet costs are up there with energy prices when it comes to goalpost-moving of past budgeting (like working out what you need to live on with a pension).
We lost our old dog earlier this year and it’s not just that awful heartbreak that everyone who loses an animal they love goes through that is stopping us from getting another. I feel so angry inside that a few companies are cynically hoovering up the UK veterinary industry, right to the pet crematorium stage, and the prices for treatment and routine care are shooting off the scale, with pet insurance premiums responding accordingly.
Responsible animal lovers are feeling it and there are terrible animal welfare repercussions with those less responsible.
Apart from a couple of aquariums the only animal we currently have is a 15 yr old cat, whose insurance is a few pence off
£50 a month. I am open to another cat, or a bonded pair, as I can’t imagine being without one, but in my heart my home should be a amiable pile-in of animals who need a home, and I just will not do that. Poorer in pocket or poorer in heart isn’t a choice I’m enjoying making but I feel so taken advantage of by the big vet companies.
I feel for you @TheMiceInTheShed. Pet costs are up there with energy prices when it comes to goalpost-moving of past budgeting (like working out what you need to live on with a pension).
We lost our old dog earlier this year and it’s not just that awful heartbreak that everyone who loses an animal they love goes through that is stopping us from getting another. I feel so angry inside that a few companies are cynically hoovering up the UK veterinary industry, right to the pet crematorium stage, and the prices for treatment and routine care are shooting off the scale, with pet insurance premiums responding accordingly.
Responsible animal lovers are feeling it and there are terrible animal welfare repercussions with those less responsible.
Apart from a couple of aquariums the only animal we currently have is a 15 yr old cat, whose insurance is a few pence off
£50 a month. I am open to another cat, or a bonded pair, as I can’t imagine being without one, but in my heart my home should be a amiable pile-in of animals who need a home, and I just will not do that. Poorer in pocket or poorer in heart isn’t a choice I’m enjoying making but I feel so taken advantage of by the big vet companies.

Even having a very sick or elderly animal PTS is horrifically expensive now. Our last dog (not including cremation costs) was £295 to have euthanised. His back legs had failed completely and he was so miserable, poor boy. He really was ready to go. But many people can't afford this sort of money (and no dog at the end of it). I know of at least one person who has let a pet in great distress die slowly and painfully at home because she apparently just didn't have the money. Her daughter-in-law offered to lend her it but she wouldn't accept.

We don't have pet insurance because of the cost, but they are all on a monthly plan at the vet's (between £19-£27/per animal /per month) to cover inoculations, flea and worm treatment etc. These will most likely be our last, largely because of cost, but a bit because of our age (we're in our 70's now and don't want to leave any responsibility for animals to our children. Our daughter will certainly take any which outlive us, but I wouldn't like to leave her with more than one - they are costly and tying.)
So had a slip up and ordered some clothes even though I have loads... It's not worth the money so want to send it back. There's a £3.50 fee for refunds and then the postage cost too.

When I order online I kid myself with 'I can always send it back and get a refund'.

Will try to remember about these refund fees as it'll put me off buying stuff!

I used to get such a kick out of having clothes delivered and then returning them. It was a physical rush. I feel bad for doing that now, and am not surprised companies are starting to charge. But blimey, that feeling was addictive.

Can you sell something on Vinted to make up the £3.50 plus postage?

Even having a very sick or elderly animal PTS is horrifically expensive now. Our last dog (not including cremation costs) was £295 to have euthanised. His back legs had failed completely and he was so miserable, poor boy. He really was ready to go. But many people can't afford this sort of money (and no dog at the end of it). I know of at least one person who has let a pet in great distress die slowly and painfully at home because she apparently just didn't have the money. Her daughter-in-law offered to lend her it but she wouldn't accept.

We don't have pet insurance because of the cost, but they are all on a monthly plan at the vet's (between £19-£27/per animal /per month) to cover inoculations, flea and worm treatment etc. These will most likely be our last, largely because of cost, but a bit because of our age (we're in our 70's now and don't want to leave any responsibility for animals to our children. Our daughter will certainly take any which outlive us, but I wouldn't like to leave her with more than one - they are costly and tying.)

I hear you. I've had to cancel insurance for my dog as it doubled... My vet is independent and I trust them but even so the costs of animal care make me feel sick. I am saving for R in a separate account, but I'll have to put anything emergency on a credit card and deal with it.

Animal ownership is a huge boost emotionally and mentally. Somehow we need to make it more affordable for the benefit of all. There is no excuse for that person who couldn't afford to have their pet put down - the fact she wouldn't accept the money from a relative tells me that she didn't love the animal all that much. Appalling behaviour. There are charities who will help people with costs like that.
I think some people are just the “life above all else” types - hence those poor bloody mutts on wheels. 😔

An old friend once told me there are two types of people in the world; the type who picks up the phone and books the appointment and the type who stick their fingers in their ears singing “La La can’t hear you”.

Having my old boy PTS next week, that’ll be the best part of £220 (reasonable Vet fees thank goodness).

I’m not sure I’ll replace at this point. I grew up in a world where people gave away puppies free to good homes. Nearly died of shock when I saw the prices of puppies now - and rescues aren’t interested because I have children/cat/fences lower than 12’ and no moat/dog’s own room/wfh/no hobbies”.
I had the same thing with rescues in the UK. I adopted from Romania and am so, so, so thankful the UK rescues all simply ignored me as I adore my little boy. It was soul destroying at the time though, I wanted a dog so badly yet rescue homes wouldn't even respond to me.

I'm very sorry you are saying goodbye to your dear chap. I hope you enjoy your last days with him x
I think some people are just the “life above all else” types - hence those poor bloody mutts on wheels. 😔

An old friend once told me there are two types of people in the world; the type who picks up the phone and books the appointment and the type who stick their fingers in their ears singing “La La can’t hear you”.

Having my old boy PTS next week, that’ll be the best part of £220 (reasonable Vet fees thank goodness).

I’m not sure I’ll replace at this point. I grew up in a world where people gave away puppies free to good homes. Nearly died of shock when I saw the prices of puppies now - and rescues aren’t interested because I have children/cat/fences lower than 12’ and no moat/dog’s own room/wfh/no hobbies”.
So sorry you are losing your poor old boy - it never gets easier, no matter how often you go through it, and even when you know it's the right thing to do (for their sake, not yours).

British rescues seem to have two settings - ridiculously demanding, as you say "What!? No 12' fence, and someone isn't at home 23 hours a day, and you aren't all non-smokers and you don't have access to woodland/ beaches for 3 x 4 hour walks a day!" and the ones that apparently say "Of course you can take this 2 year old American XL bully that has already had seven homes, has killed neighbouring dogs and cats and has come to us because the police have confiscated him from his latest drug-dealer owner. He'll be totally fine with your toddler twins and their eight year old sister who wants to dress him as Barbie."

People don't give away puppies now. They give them a stupid name and advertise them at top dollar for a "chance to own this unique oldenglishcockerbulldoberhound puppy - rare breed!"

It's shameful that nowadays, when we have the ability to limit the number of puppies our dog has by human means, there are more dogs being bred (and dumped) than ever before.

I get very angry about all of the above. Very angry indeed.
A correction to my post (above)

It's shameful that nowadays, when we have the ability to limit the number of puppies our dog has by human means, there are more dogs being bred (and dumped) than ever before.

This should read "humane".

I have had to fight auto🥕 tooth and nail to get the "e" on the end - but I emerged TRIUMPHANT!