Do I need to isolate?

My son has had a cold since Monday (snotty nose, sneezing a lot) yesterday he got a cough, but only when he’s sleeping, no sign of it when he’s awake. He had a slight temp that went down with calpol yesterday morning and hasn’t come do I have to is Isolate for 14 days now? It’s so confusing 😩
I’m a nursing student due to start on placement in April, I live at home with my parents who are both high risk- they both have a number of respiratory and heart problems. Uni have said that placements are to continue as normal even though our campus is now closed (I think this is due to the fact they want to use us as extra pairs of hands). I don’t know what to do for the best as I’m worried about bringing the virus home to them. Others in my year have brought similar issues up with lecturers and they just said that we should be extra careful with hygiene and PPE. Should I isolate and refuse to go? Am I overreacting?
I have leukemia. Due to start chemo next week. I should be self isolating but have hospital appointments 3 times a week. I don't drive so have to catch public transport in order to attend my appointments. Hospital say they can't provide transportation for me. I'm worried sick

Sarah, check if there are any cancer charities in your area that have volunteers who provide hospital transportation. One arranged transportation for my mum last summer when she had treatment. Wishing you all the best with your treatment.
my toddler has a cough where she is coughing up phlegm. The symptoms say a “dry cough”, does this mean she defo hasn’t got the cornovirus or is it still a worry?
BBC health news latest
Any cough - Isolate
Raised Temperature - Isolate
Either of these symptoms on their own or together equals isolation for 14 days of the individual and all those who share a house with that person, there's no variables on these two symptoms now (dry cough, chesty cough, tickly cough if it's there persistently you have a cough and need to isolate.)