DLAM - Dress Like a Mum

The open mouth with her outflung arms... “wooo look at my, ‘just fell out of the dressing up box look’ I’m WAYY cooler than you”

Does anyone remember when her and the other London Mamas went to see The Spice Girls? They must have actually paid for their tickets because they were in the cheap seats... next to normal people. Poor mamas.
I don’t think they paid for tickets (even though no #ad or #spon was declared), because they all promoted when tickets for the shows were going on sale. I’m not sure they were in the cheap seats either. MOD was sat in front of Adele and posted crass pictures
I don’t think they’re in the same place, are they? Weird that they’ve gone at the same time though.
As an aside, DLAM’s engagement is absolutely terrible. I don’t understand why brands would want to work with her, because her likes to followers ratio is really quite poor.

I suspect she’s connected with industry. You are right her engagement is terrible, she never declares Ads. She’s from very wealthy stock so assume Daddy or someone keeps her in favour
I suspect she’s connected with industry. You are right her engagement is terrible, she never declares Ads. She’s from very wealthy stock so assume Daddy or someone keeps her in favour
There’s duck all point to her declaring ads really. I think I reported her to ASA a couple of years ago (before the new rules came in) where she was bigging up a car that Mercedes had ‘lent’ her and the ASA said that there was no proof that Mercedes had given her the car on the proviso that she would give them a good review or even that she would post it on her feed. Which is obviously bullshit, unless Mercedes are handing out cars worth ££££’s out of the goodness of their hearts 🙄
Even with the new rules, the Influencers seem to be getting round this now with the crappy new #pressdiscount hashtag. I mean, DLAM writes a BLOG, so obviously she’s a journalist now. Maybe I can call myself a journo too, after all, I’ve just written this post.
Yeah she’s been trying to get his Cook Like a Dad thing going for ages but nobody seems to have bitten. I think he works for one of those companies that sells overpriced wonky veg in a box
She seems to post more about her daughter than her sons. I have unfollowed her so maybe I’m wrong but just had a quick look after seeing some posts on Tattle
Can I just ask if you find her interesting? I followed her a while ago. Unfollowed her. Have hardly given her a second thought since I don’t think. Obviously there are accounts that I have unfollowed and every now and again I’m suckered back in (MOD, occasionally Telford etc). But I couldn’t care less about DLAM. Maybe that’s why her engagement is so bad.
Can I just ask if you find her interesting? I followed her a while ago. Unfollowed her. Have hardly given her a second thought since I don’t think. Obviously there are accounts that I have unfollowed and every now and again I’m suckered back in (MOD, occasionally Telford etc). But I couldn’t care less about DLAM. Maybe that’s why her engagement is so bad.

She’s from an affluent background yet is always looking for the free stuff and pays bugger all attention to the rules. She wears some truly awful clothes and is not the fab dresser she thinks she is.She comes across as smug and thinks she’s a bit zany. She strikes me as being slightly dense (like MoD) and I do not believe anyone ever said “you don’t dress like a Mum” to her.

Those slides 😁😁😁😁 she designed for M+S should have been destroyed at the drawing stage.

She uses Insta for the free stuff and holidays, has no desire to communicate with the women who follow her and is boring.

I think that covers it 😊.
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I’ll be honest, I don’t follow her anymore. I agree she’s not that interesting, yet seems quite pleased with herself for reasons unknown. Comes across as self involved and smug (I mean, honestly, what is she thinking with those makeup tutorials she keeps doing. My 11 year old daughter does them better).

I like to dip in and out every so often because she’s a good hate watch. She’s comes across as grabby and entitled and I’ve no idea why brands keep getting involved with her because her engagement is appalling. They must be blinded by the amount of followers rather than looking into actual comments and likes.

And basically, everything Deb said above 🤣
Most recent ad in her stories is for the company her husband works for. No mention of that connection of course. And she's attempted to hide the 'AD' underneath the camera icon at the bottom of the screen.
Can I just ask if you find her interesting? I followed her a while ago. Unfollowed her. Have hardly given her a second thought since I don’t think. Obviously there are accounts that I have unfollowed and every now and again I’m suckered back in (MOD, occasionally Telford etc). But I couldn’t care less about DLAM. Maybe that’s why her engagement is so bad.
Exactly the same for me!