Chatty Member
I need help! A lot of the vlogs I watch are either at the end of their series or I am all caught up. I go to WDW in a month and need to get in the spirit. At the moment I am close to watching Disney in Detail as there seems to be nothing else at the moment, it’s getting that bad!
I am very particular though. I tend to like adult trips, they have to be normal people with personality (not these Instagram type bores) and has to be fairly recent as pre pandemic is completely different to now. I love the Misters, TD3, Sophie Charlton, Lucy Wood, Cheers Ears, Lisa Cairns, That Sounds Fun.
Any ideas?
Aussie Robbo & English Gent might be worth a watch, can get a bit annoying though. I think the vlogs a bit marmite. Some I’ve enjoyed some I’ve hated